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‘Get in,’ she ordered. ‘We’ve got company!’
Another car had appeared on the road from Nyon and was speeding towards them.
With his powerful vision, Andy could see the blond-haired man behind the wheel.
‘What’s going on here?’ Farrient snapped as he jumped in the back seat. ‘You’re obviously not who you said you were!’
‘Monsieur Farrient, I need you to buckle up,’ Agent Granny said forcefully while she slipped the gears into first and revved the engine like a Formula One racing car driver at the starting line. ‘All will be revealed later.’
‘That’s what I told him,’ said Andy, examining the interior of the car. ‘It’s strange to see you in an ordinary sports hatchback, Granny.’
‘It’s a Ford Focus ST, with a few agency extras,’ said Agent Granny. ‘And let me assure you those extras are awesome. Because, kid, we’re gonna need them if we want to get out of here alive.’
Andy thought about what a crazy few days he’d had. He’d almost died twice! Was it really going to get more intense? For a second he wondered if he was really up to the job, then he nodded at Agent Granny.
‘All right, Bev,’ he said. ‘Show me what you can do!’
The chase was on and Andy’s Swiss mission had just got a whole lot more dangerous.
From the Author
When I was a kid I was invincible – or so I imagined. My brother and I would combine all the powers of our favourite comic and TV superheroes and have the most epic battles in our backyard. We would zap at each other with our awesome laser fingers, run faster than a cheetah riding a Ducati (now that’s fast!), and jump over buildings (more like the swing set) in a single bound.
With Andy Roid, I’ve been able to let my imagination play like never before. It’s been so much fun to create this series and I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it!
Felice Arena is the bestselling author and creator of many popular and award-winning children’s books, including the Specky Magee series. For more information about Felice and his books visit his website at:
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Text copyright © Red Wolf Entertainment Pty Ltd, 2013
Illustrations copyright © Chad McCown and Mike Shanks, 2013
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ISBN: 978-1-74253-678-1